Football Camp Training Program - from the Soccer Italian Style Coaches

Football Camp Training Program
Football Camp Training Program
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Football Camp Training Program - from the Soccer Italian Style Coaches

Football Camp Training Program - from the Soccer Italian Style Coaches

Football Camp Training Program
30 sessions (150 Practices) from Italian Serie 'A' Coaches
Now you can have a complete Football Training Camp
Program designed and used by top Professional Academies
like AFC Fiorentina and the successful Empoli FC.

Please Note: The content from this book consists of 90% of the content taken from Soccer Italian Style's other books such as "Full Season Academy Training Program U9-15 Book Set - 88 Sessions (440 Practices)"

This 6 week training camp program for U9-15 year book is in FULL COLOUR includes 30 sessions (150 Practices) making it easy for you plan your camp coaching program.

Soccer Italian Style coaches Mirko Mazzantini (AFC Fiorentina) and Simone Bombardieri (Empoli FC) are both professional academy coaches with years of experience coaching players to high elite 'Technical Excellence' standards.

A Football Camp Training Program made Simple!
6 Weeks - 30 sessions (150 practices) by Pro Academy Coaches

This book includes:

  • Pages: 124
  • Practices: 150
  • Sessions : 30
  • Print: FULL COLOUR

See full coaching topics below:

Soccer Italian Style in partnership with are delighted that 50% of the profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Onside Soccer, a charity who provide impoverished children with the opportunity to have professional coaching sessions every week free of charge to play the sport they love.

Sessions include:

  • Technical warm ups
  • Coordination and Agility
  • Technical and Tactical practices
  • Game Situations
  • Small Sided Games
  • Conditioning

Full Book Contents

Soccer Italian Style
The Soccer Italian Style Story
Soccer Italian Style Coaches
Charity Partnership: Soccer Italian Style, Onside Soccer &
Onside Soccer Mentorship Program
Soccer Italian Style Camps: U9-15
Italian Style Soccer Camps Philosophy & Work Methodology
Outline of Training Week
Session Structure
Practice Format


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Close Control with Shooting Accuracy
3. Coordination: Coordination Relay
4. Game Situation: 1v1 v Defender + 1v1 v Goalkeeper
5. Game with a Theme: ‘4 Goals’ 4v4 Small Sided Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Ball Control - Moves / Feints
3. Coordination: 1v1 Duel - Feints and Dribbling
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Duel - Feints, Dribbling and Change of Direction
5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 with 6 Dribble Gates in a SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Pass, Move & Receive in a Square
3. Coordination: Skip, Pass, Receive, Dribble & Run
4. Game Situation: Passing and Receiving in a 2v1 Duel
5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 End to End Possession Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: One-Two Combination and Shot
3. Coordination: Shooting Game with a Coordination Circuit
4. Game Situation: Strength, 1v1 Duels and Finishing
5. Game with a Theme: 1v1 Marking in a 4v4 SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Heading
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: Heading Accuracy ‘Aim for a Corner’
3. Coordination: Jump, Run, Change of Direction and Headed Pass
4. Game Situation: Throw-ins, Heading, 1v1s and Finishing
5. Game with a Theme: 6v6 Headers Game with 6 Outside Players
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Ball Control Exercises
3. Coordination: Speed & Agility Training with 1v1 Duels
4. Game Situation: Frontal and Back Marking
5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 ‘Rugby Rules’ SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Changing Direction Team Shooting Game
3. Coordination: Coordination Relay
4. Game Situation: Frontal 1v1 Duel with Coloured Goals
5. Game with a Theme: Man to Man Marking in a 5v5 SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Quick Passing and 1-2 Combinations
3. Coordination: Coordination and Passing Relay
4. Game Situation: Creating a Numerical Advantage (1v1 > 2v1)
5. Game with a Theme: Two Small Sided Games -Rugby / 4 Goals Match
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: Ball Control & Shooting with 4 Goals
3. Coordination: One-Two and Shoot / 20 Yard Sprints
4. Game Situation: 3v2 First Time Shooting Practice
5. Game with a Theme: 2v2 Zones in a 4v4 SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Heading
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: Heading in Pairs
3. Coordination: Jump, Criss-Cross and Heading
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Heading in the Penalty Area
5. Game with a Theme: Heading with Target Players SSG
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Dribbling with Different Obstacles
3. Coordination: Ball Control and Coordination Relay
4. Game Situation: Dribble, Turn & Shoot - ‘The 1v1 Duel’
5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 (+GK) Attacking Combinations
& Incisive Dribbling in and Around the Penalty Area
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Running with the Ball, Feints and Shooting
3. Coordination: 1v1 RWTB Race - ‘Quickest Player Shoots’
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Back to Goal Duel with Goalkeepers
5. Game with a Theme: Transition Play / Collective Reactions in a SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Passing Practice for the Right Time of Play
3. Coordination: Ball Control, Agility, Passing and Receiving with Shooting
4. Game Situation: Back to Goal 2v1 Dynamic Practice
5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 Passing Gate Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: Volleying Accuracy - ‘Aim for a Corner’
3. Coordination: Dribble, Shoot, Roll and Save
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Dribbling and Shooting Duel
5. Game with a Theme: Shooting Accuracy in a 6v6 SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Receiving in the Air & Finishing
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: Heading Accuracy ‘Against the Crossbar’
3. Coordination: Roll, Run, Volley Pass and Sprint
4. Game Situation: Receiving a Long pass & Shielding the Ball
5. Game with a Theme: Quick Possession and Transition Play to the Striker
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Receiving, Turning and Dribbling with the Back to Goal
3. Coordination: Dribbling Race with Turning and Shooting
4. Game Situation: Dribbling Team Game with Numbers
5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 with ‘Scoring Zones’ in a SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Feints, Changes of Direction & Accurate Shot
3. Coordination: Dribbling Coordination and 1v2 Duel
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Play with Feints / Moves to Beat
5. Game with a Theme: Collective Tactical Movement in a SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Passing, Receiving and 1v1 Play
3. Coordination: ‘Psycho-Kinetics’ Passing in Pairs
4. Game Situation: Passing Combinations with a 3v2 Advantage
5. Game with a Theme: 4v4v4 Dynamic 3 Zone Possession Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: Ball Control, Dribbling & Shooting Circuits
3. Coordination: Speed & Agility Shooting Competition
4. Game Situation: 2v2 with 4 Goals: 10 Ball Competition in a SSG
5. Game with a Theme: 3v3 Quick Combinations and Finishing in the Box
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Receiving in the Air & Finishing
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: Heading Accuracy - ‘Aim for the Ring’
3. Coordination: Roll, Receive and Shoot
4. Game Situation: Passing and Receiving with Good Communication
5. Game with a Theme: Heading with Target Players SSG (2)
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Quick Reactions Man Marking Dribbling Game
3. Coordination: Quick Reactions Colours Game
4. Game Situation: Dribbling and Turning - ‘1v1 Pursuit’
5. Game with a Theme: Dribbling and RWTB in a SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Dribbling with Feints / Moves to Beat
3. Coordination: Motor Aerobic Exercise - ‘Fantasy Track’
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Situations
5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 ‘Nutmeg’ Possession Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Diagonal Passing Square
3. Coordination: Coordination, Agility and Balance Exercise
4. Game Situation: 2v2 (+2) Game / Double 2v2 Game
5. Game with a Theme: 6v3 Speed of Play Dynamic Possession Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: Feints / Quick Movements and Shot
3. Coordination: Roll, Dribble and Shoot with a Goalkeeper
4. Game Situation: Move, Receive and Score in a 1v1 Duel
5. Game with a Theme: Shooting Practice in a 7v7 Possession Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Passing & Receiving in the Air
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: Accurate Aerial Passing in Pairs
3. Coordination: Quick Reactions & Speed of Play in a 2v1 Duel Game
4. Game Situation: 2v1 on the Flanks with Accurate Crossing
5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 with Long Accurate Passing
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch


Day 01: Running with the Ball
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1
2. Technical: Close Control and Turning with Shot
3. Coordination: Jump, Dribble and Shoot - ‘Who’s the Fastest?’
4. Game Situation: Quick Reactions Dribbling Game
5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 Rugby Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2
2. Technical: Ball Control, Feints & Dribbling ‘Star’
3. Coordination: Dribbling at Speed with ‘Nutmeg’
4. Game Situation: Quick Reactions and Finishing in a 1v2 Frontal Marking Duel
5. Game with a Theme: Man Marking 6 Goal Dribbling Game
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 03: Passing and Receiving
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3
2. Technical: Passing and Receiving Square
3. Coordination: Hurdle Agility Training & Volley Passes
4. Game Situation: 4v2 Possession - Passing, Receiving & Speed of Play
5. Game with a Theme: Long Passing, Crossing & Finishing in a 7 Zone SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 04: Shooting
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4
2. Technical: Accurate Volleys & Quick Reactions Exercise
3. Coordination: Sprint, Change Direction and Shooting Race
4. Game Situation: 1v1 Frontal Duel with 3 Goals15
5. Game with a Theme: Speed of Play and Shooting SSG
6. 5v5 Small Sided Games

Day 05: Passing & Receiving in the Air
1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5
2. Technical: 2v2 Football Tennis Tournament
3. Coordination: Sprinting & Agility with Crossing & Heading
4. Game Situation: Applying Quick Pressure in a 3 Zone Game
5. Game with a Theme: 3v3 Attacking / Defending Crosses
6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch

Meet the Soccer Italian Style Coaches

SIS Logo
Mirko Mazzantini

Mirko Mazzantini
"ACF Fiorentina Academy Coach"

Mirko Mazzantini coached at Empoli FC for 10 years, working with all the main age groups at academy level. In 2010 he was recruited by AFC Fiorentina to work with the U14/U15 Academy teams.

During the 2010/11 season Mirko won the U15 Italian Academy Serie ‘A’ championship.

In 2011/12 Mirko was the Assistant of the Fiorentina Reserve team during pre-season and he was the coach of the ACF Fiorentina U14 team who won the Academy Serie ‘A’ championship and some international tournaments.

Mirko is currently the ACF Fiorentina U15 coach for the 2013/14 season. He is a qualified football coach through the “Young Players Coach” program and a UEFA ‘B’ Licenced Coach, as well as an author of many coaching publications, articles, books and DVDs.
Simone Bombardieri Simone Bombardieri
"Empoli FC Academy Coach"

Simone Bombardieri played for Empoli FC for 5 years. He then started his career as a coach for the club 15 years ago at the age of 22, where he has been coaching various academy age groups from U9-U14.

In the 2011/12 season, Simone was the coach of the Empoli FC U14 team who reached the final of the Nick Cup International Tournament, where they lost in extra time against Inter Milan. They also finished eighth in the Academy Serie ‘A’ championship.

Simone is currently the Empoli FC U15 coach for the 2013/14 season. He is also a qualified football coach through the “Young Players Coach” program and a UEFA ‘B’ Licenced Coach, as well as an author of many coaching publications, articles, books and DVDs.

All of the sessions and practices are presented with clear simple to understand diagrams supported with session objective, description, coaching points and variations/progressions.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you have a complete full season of sessions that are used at top Professional Academies like AFC Fiorentina and the successful Empoli FC.

Pages: 124
Practices: 150
Sessions: 30
Age Group - practices for: age U9-15

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Football camp training program

nice book but Will bee perfect with more sesion plans

gille m.
Very good

Nice sessions
Help good for young players

football camp training program book

veel goede oefenstof


Very recommended

Mr M.

Very good for coaches small age groups and coaches academies